Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MU IS GONE!!!!!!!

Many major news sources today said that it was pretty obvious that Mizzou is leaving for the SEC. As a graduate, I didn't like the decision to move, but now I begin to see that the move is not that bad for Mizzou and the State. During home football games SEC teams travel really well. The economy in Columbia and even Jefferson City will be affected because of the influx of visitors.

Contrary to the thoughts of many other teams in the Big 12, we will compete just fine like we did here in the Big 12. We were in the Top 6 teams in my mind. Oklahoma, Texas, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M are better programs than Missouri. We will compete in the same way that we did in the Big 12. Maybe 7 or 8 wins. That's pretty good regardless.

Hey, we will compete in Basketball folks. I mean hey, we will be up there with Kentucky and Florida. We won't be as good but we can at least be competitive. I think that might be the best thing out of the entire move. Plus, our other sports will benefit from the move. Softball is good, Baseball is solid, Wrestling we should be pretty good. Trust me, Mizzou Athletics is not going to be in oblivion.

As Missouri fans we must realize that we know have to treat football like a religion. We must follow our team to the bitter end. We must travel to the away games and build up respect in the SEC for them to take us seriously. I think that will be the most surprising thing. We will need to step up our game. Heck, even dress a little bit nicer for the games. Dresses and Suits....it's coming.

MU fans won't do that because it isn't Sunday meeting nor a wedding, it's a game.

Just a game

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